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Pie a PI Fundraiser

Greetings CAMB,

To celebrate Pi day (3/14) the CAMB Student Newsletter is hosting our second annual ‘Pie a PI’ fundraiser for the Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia

The Charity: CSFP is a privately-funded program that grants need-based scholarships to children from low-income Philadelphia families, all of which are awarded by random lottery. CSFP currently serves about 5,300 children enrolled at over 160 private and parochial schools and was given a perfect score by CharityNavigator.

The Pies: We are selling $1-dollar entries to a lottery for the opportunity to "Pie a PI". Anyone can buy tickets and they are unlimited ($5 gets you 5 entries). One lucky winner for each faculty volunteer will be drawn at random, and this person will get to put a whipped cream pie in the face of one of the faculty volunteers! Entries are open to everyone in the CAMB community, including faculty and postdocs, etc. The drawing will be on Pie Day, March 14, and the pie-ing will take place at 4:30PM on Friday, March 16th (location TBD)

The faculty volunteers:

  • Dr. Kelly Jordan-Scuitto

  • Dr. Dan Kessler

  • Dr. Brian Keith

How to enter: Simply give $1 per entry to one of the following CAMB Student Newsletter team members - either in person or through Venmo - and state which person you'd like your entry to go toward. Keep in mind that you may purchase multiple entries and can spread them among the volunteers.

  • Camille Syrett ( in person at Vet School

  • Iryna Shakhmantsir ( in person at Smilow

  • Somdutta Mukherjee ( in person at Colket OR Venmo @somdutta-mukherjee

  • Ewa Stypulkowski ( in person at BRB OR Venmo @Ewa-Stypulkowski

  • Sid Kishore ( in person at Colket 5100 OR Venmo @sid-kishore-penn

  • Gleb Bazilevsky ( in person at BRB OR Venmo @Gleb-Bazilevsky OR paypal gbazilev

We hope to raise funds for a great cause and have some fun!

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